Monday, October 25, 2004

Sick of Being Sick

It's been a while since I've written here. All avenues of Internet connection died in our home for about a week. It was good for me in some ways. I was thinking of doing an Internet Fast anyway, and that just clinched it. I made some progress in reading THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV--maybe even enough that I'll actually finish it this time!

I seem to have come down with Bronchitis. Kind of odd since I don't remember having any upper respiratory problems... Just lower resp. with a vengeance. I was lucky to be able to get a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, so I'm looking forward to getting some kick-butt anti-biotics... until then, I'm laying low.

Wednesday is an exciting day for another reason! It's Ultrasound day!!!! Woohoo!!! Hopefully I will have delightful news to report here that afternoon.

Until then, you can find me on the couch sipping peppermint tea, reading Russian novels, or just staring blankly into the magic box known as the Television.

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