Wednesday, October 27, 2004

It's a.....

Well, here is the entry we've all been waiting for. Ok, so just mostly me... but still here it is!

We did have our ultrasound. It turns out that you can drink TOO MUCH water. Bless the technician. She excused me for a moment, and when I came back I was SOOO much more comfortable! (I seriously thought my kidneys and bladder would explode! hehe)

So for the good stuff. Little baby was very, very active. And we found out that...



a GIRL!!

The tech. was about 80% sure. Still no guarantee, but enough for us to graduate from using gender neutral terms.

She waved at us, and punched back at the technician. Rolled, and rolled, and rolled. We got to see her heartbeat and then the tech. zoomed in and we could see all the individual chambers of her heart. It was so neat.

Now that we can put a 'she' to things, it all feels so much more real. I keep thinking about how I'm awful at doing hair... but a sweet little girl. How wonderful!!! I can just see Andy threatening her dates now. She will definitely be Daddy's little girl.

And the thought that made me cry was the thought of when her Grandpa H. sees her. I can't wait to see THAT look of instant love.

Both Grandma's of course were elated when we called. We're pretty elated too.

And that, is the news of the day.

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