Saturday, October 30, 2004

10 Days....

I've been sick for 10 days now. Not just 'oh a little cough, but life is pretty normal' sick... Sick like no energy, coughing so hard that I don't know how all of my organs stay in me, and overall feeling like crap. It wouldn't be so bad if I could get some sleep at night. But... last night was day four of having an awful time trying to sleep. For some reason my body thinks the night is the best time to try to get rid of the gunk I'm congested with... So I spend about half of it holding on for dear life as horridly deep coughs wrack my body.

It's bronchitis, as I've said. I don't have symptoms that would lead me to believe that it's really gotten any worse, and I've read it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to clear up. The doctor said to just tough it out. I'm not that worried, and I certainly know it could be worse.

But it is wearing to just not be able to get a good night's sleep, and never feel like I feel 'better'--Especially when energy levels are screwy anyway because of pregnancy. I suppose I can look at it as practice for when the little one comes... but darn it, if that's the case I want to be able to rest NOW!

Anyway... I just felt like whining.

In other news, we got our jack-o-lantern carved last night. He is a very happy pumpkin. He is also very large--over 30 lbs!!! I hope that we get trick-or-treaters tonight... That would make me happy, and maybe we could meet some more of our neighbors!

Another totally random thought... sometimes it is hard as I wait to find my social group (whether I ever will or not remains to be seen) to feel like anybody is excited about this pregnancy but me. Andy is excited of course... but I have no one to go shopping with. No one who really wants to listen to the details of my ultrsound, or sympathize with me about the oddities of pregnancy... It is discouraging. But again, that's probably because I'm feeling lousy and have too much time to think. I know folks from school and home care, but it is hard for me to see that sometimes.

Enough whining. If I feel up to it, today will be a baking day. In fact, perhaps I will go rise above my energy level and make Andy some breakfast. I've been thinking about coffee cake at times that I've had an appetite. I am going to choose to be happy and celebrate today even if I do feel like crap!

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Feel free to call me about any of the details you wish to share. I will be happy to shaer them with you!