Tuesday, October 05, 2004


In an effort to be involved, and busy, and also to keep focusing on my relationship with God, I decided to join a small group. I got very excited when I found out that this church was offering a Renovare group. I'd heard good things about that, and Rags didn't run screaming in the other direction when they heard the word. (hehe)

The first couple meetings I felt kind of unsure about everything. The ladies in my group are mostly my mom's age, and I'm really hoping to meet some ladies closer to my place in life. And... well, I just wasn't sure it would feel safe to share. But tonight was different. Tonight we started getting comfortable with one another, and were able to share. I was able to begin to hear the hearts of the ladies in the group, and found that I felt ok not sugar coating things--they didn't seem to be either!

This week, I will be practicing an excercise to learn about the contemplative tradition. I am anxious, but excited. I've found it very difficult to focus lately when wanting to spend time with God, and I've been rather wondersome about how to even relate to God at this point in my meness. I am excited to see what these disciplines may hold.

Over all... Good stuff.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Hey Val! I'm glad to hear you are in a small group that you enjoy. As they say at Willow "Small groups are the heart of the revolution". May God blow you away in this situation!