Wednesday, October 27, 2004

God's Creation

I know I've already posted more today than anyone would ever really hope to read, but I just simply had to comment one more time.

Between seeing my daughter in the ultra-sound today--seeing her little arms, legs, feet, hands, nose, mouth, the chambers of her heart, her kidneys, everything--and the glory of the lunar eclipse tonight I am taken aback by the amazing handi-work of God's creation. I have taken that for granted lately, but I was so blessed to have it cascading down all around me today.

Even this morning when I went to the doctor's office, I had a beautiful harvest moon looming over the horizon on it's way to sleep for the day, fog wisping over the mountains and islands in the sound, and the crisp outline of Mt. Baker somehow coming through despite the fog. It was amazing!

I am so thankful. I am thankful for the delicate knitting God does when he puts wee humans together. I am humbled that he allowed Andy and I to participate in this act of creation. I am amazed by the phenomenon of a lunar eclipse, and truly blessed by the delicate glory of morning.

I've needed a reminder of God's goodness. And Lo and behold I can say with Mitch McVicker--"There you are... in front of me!"

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