Monday, October 11, 2004

Doula! and... miscellaneous

We met with our prospective Doula this morning. We really like her! Before you ask me, "What is a doula?!" I will tell you. A doula basically is a person who supports moms during labor. They help you to cope with the pain of childbirth through different means than doctors might. They're there to suggest position changes, be an advocate and go-between for mom to doc relations, and there to be a calming influence altogether.

Anyway, her name is Beth and I just really think she'll work out great. She is not against interventions as some doulas are, but she IS committed to making a mom's birth experience positive, and to following the lead of mom and mom's body.

It's a relief to us to feel so good about using her as our doula because of the high likelihood that Andy won't be around when baby makes his or her appearance. This way we KNOW there will be someone here to support me. Plus, we think she will really help to make this a very positive experience for us.

In other news... I officially gave up one of my addictions today. After too much drama at my military wives message board, and seeing too many people hurt, I decided since I was unable to make a difference by being a presence there, that it was time to go. It sounds silly, but this message board has been my main source of support as I've plunged into military wifeness. It's scary to know that it's not there anymore. However... I think this is the right decision. Maybe this will open up other avenues for me somehow. I will miss that place of support, but I just couldn't stand by and watch people get squashed for having a minority opinion anymore. I'm quite sure by noon tomorrow I will be going through extensive symptoms of withdrawl, but I will survive.

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