Thursday, January 06, 2005

Thoughts from Every Which Way

'Ghetto Cookies'

I made oatmeal scotchies today. I used Western Family margarine. Big mistake. I've never seen such ghetto looking cookies in my whole life. They tasted ok, but they just looked pathetic. Luckily, the guest I had over to enjoy the cookies with me was very forgiving. Note to self: Never ever buy Western Family margarine.

First Home and Pizza

I'm all set to fly back to 'first home' on Tuesday. I'm nervous, but looking forward to the visit. I'm also looking forward to some good LaRoma's pizza. There's nothing as wonderful as GOOD pizzeria pizza.

Chester's New Friend and Good Taste

Chester has made a new people-friend. Her name is Jamie and she came over to play games with us on New Year's Eve. She came over again today and each time she does he lets her know that she is special. Sometimes I almost feel jealous as he rubs her legs, loves her, and gives her kisses like she's going out of style. She will be taking care of him during my trip/Andy's detachment, so I'm sure they'll have lots of time to bond. Incidentally, I'm finding that Chester has very good taste. I think Jamie will be a good friend, and I'm so grateful to have met her.


Yesterday was a productive day and I was excited to see many things fall into place. I got more done and settled yesterday than I have probably in the last two weeks. It felt good. Unfortunately, I found that I'd overdone it by the time it was time for bed. Ouch!

Mixed-up Weather People

The weather and weather people here crack me up. An 'exciting weather day' is any day that might contain both rain and sunshine. We're supposed to get maybe an inch of snow tonight and the T.V. Weathermen are acting like it's a huge blizzard. People here aren't used to snow like we were back at first home. Yesterday I saw people in the grocery store 'stocking up because we were going to get snowed in.' One inch of snow predicted... I just have to laugh.

We're Almost Set!

I discovered yesterday that supplies wise we are in pretty good shape for the arrival of Baby Girl. I had been pannicking. I realize now that aside from one or two larger items we have almost everything we need. Because we will likely be seeing a change of residence soon after Baby Girl gets here we aren't even going to worry about a crib yet. Realizing that we are so close to being squared away really took a huge load off of my mind.

And speaking of the baby. Thanks to my friend Gina, the girl is SET UP wardrobe-wise. Gina acquired some baby girl clothes through Freecycle and passed them on to me. There were some wonderful things in the huge bag she gave us, from adorably frilly little dresses to sleepers, to a swimsuit!! The best part was they weren't all pink!!!

The Almost End

So... since I have thoroughly jumped from here to there in my randomness, I think it shall be time to close.


By the way--Isn't the mountain picture pretty? It's fun to have views like that anytime we leave the house. I'm still not used to living so close to both mountains and the ocean!

The End

I'm really done now.

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