Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I figured it out... Sudafed!

Well, did I mention that I'm sick again? I don't know why I bother to say again. I can't really say I've ever completely stopped being sick since that bout of bronchitis in October. I think I've caught several different varieties of bugs along the way, but save for maybe 2 or 3 weeks of feeling closer to not sick I'd say I've pretty much been ill for 3 months.

I've had symptoms of these various sicknesses at each of my doctors appointments. In the past 3 months I haven't been able to tell my doc that I've been feeling well. Granted, the pregnancy is going ok, but MY wellness isn't so much. Each and every appointment he would check out my ears, or my throat, or my nose, or whatever I was complaining about... Explain about viral infections... Look and sound really sympathetic and finally say, "Take Sudafed!"

So it finally dawned on me... My doctor must be getting some major money from the Sudafed company. That MUST be it. In fact, when I very emphatically and persistently asked him yesterday if there wasn't SOMETHING that could be done for me given that I've had three full months of feeling like crap and I'd really prefer to not be battling a cold or the flu, or anything else when I'm in labor, he said... "well, we could give you a heavy duty decongestant--basically it's Sudafed... at a higher dose!"

Ding! Ding! Ding! That must be it!

Oh well, I'll keep doing what I'm doing (after all, it's been working so well!). I suppose I'm a bit less miserable today. Hearing isn't really all THAT important and sore throats can't slow me down too much. At least the crappy congestion stuff seems to have eased off for the moment.

Really, it's not that big of a deal. Not feeling well is really the smallest thing on my plate right now. Besides, it allows me to get Andy to do lots of things around the house I don't really want to do.

In case you're wondering... other stuff from this last doctor's appointment: Baby girl, or rather my 'fundal height,' was measuring about 32 cm. If I understand correctly that measurement is supposed to roughly coincide with the week of gestation give or take 1 or 2. That means I might be measuring just a teeny bit small as I am at 35 weeks. (A relief to me... have I mentioned I'm terrififed I'll give birth to a 20 lb. baby?) Her heartrate was right on track at about 153 bpm. She even seems to be in a good position for showing up... Head down, butt up (Makes some really fun lumps at the top of my belly now and then!)Everything looks good. Wonder when little girl will decide to get here?

Anyway, that's enough for now. I'm off to take some Sudafed!

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