Sunday, January 30, 2005

Odds and Ends

Yesterday we set up our Pack-n-play to evaluate whether or not we could use the bassinet that it includes for the wee farkle when she gets here. We got it together, and I must say those things are pretty darn cool contraptions! After seeing it put together, I set out to get mommy advice about whether or not Pack-n-play bassinets are appropriate, safe, and workable for every day use. In so doing, I got my first lesson in mommy madness: Everyone has an opinion. Everyone will give you an opinion. Some opinions might make you feel like you are not a good Mommy or make you feel neurotic about your possible choices.... Those opinions are better left untouched.

After shopping and picking up a couple of sheets for the Pack-n-play bassinet and getting enough, "Your kid'll be JUST fine," reassurance, we decided that would be the way to go. Buying extensive baby paraphenelia when there will be a 2000 mile relocation of mom and baby soon after baby's arrival just does not make sense in many ways.

So... my baby now has a place to lay her head and various recommended 'odds and ends,' and I feel like she can show up any day now and I can be comfortable enough with what we have. Now I just need some spurts of nesting instincts so I can get those odds and ends a little more organized in the interim baby stuff space holder room.

After shopping, we tried a new pizza joint known as 'Alfy's.' We were very much not impressed. We were not given plates, or forks. When Andy walked to the front desk and asked for a fork (after he waited and waited at the same desk for a plate), he was told that the waitress "could maybe find one... somewhere...." The employees seemed very much interested in something happening in the back room, because each time we needed something at the front desk (like plates, and forks...?!) we waited for 5-10 minutes to even be noticed. In addition, the pizza was very, very bland. Overall, we suggest if you visit the Northwest and see an Alfy's, don't eat there. Interestingly enough they advertise, "Guaranteed to please, or it's free." Given that the mean age of workers present when we were there was 15, we figured complaining at that point would be pointless, but I do wonder if they will back up that claim when I send in a letter about our experience with the receipt attached. Yes, Yes... The Andy and Val dining luck continues, as well as the search for good pizzeria pizza in our current location.

After over a week of ear discomfort and near-deafness I am finally beginning to be able to hear out of my left ear. It's very nice. I'm not sure it is completely better because I still find that I am listening to the T.V. at the same volume level as both of my very hard of hearing grandmothers. I can't wait for the fluid to start clearing out of my right ear, too. Sudafed... Ha! I am starting to feel better sometimes as well. Getting out in the fresh air helped last night and I have had moments of feeling almost human today. I do hope this is the LAST BOUT of any sort of bug for the remainder of this pregnancy... and hopefully further on!

People who think military work is just another 9-5 type job with deployments thrown in here and there should think again. Watches and duty weekends are not the norm for most 9-5 jobs I know about. Andy has had a very 'heavy on the watches' type week. He had a watch sprung on him Tuesday evening from 4pm-12 am. Friday night he again pulled a 4pm-12am watch, and tonight on top of work, he will serve a 12am-8am watch. *sigh* No fun. On top of that, the Petty Officer in charge of early morning muster this morning was having a day of cranial-rectal inversion and kept the guys in mustering every 30 minutes this a.m. because a couple of guys did not show up. My husband has seen far too much of the base for this to have counted as a weekend, but... I suppose the guys must put in their time with the yucky stuff. At a time when every moment spent together is hoarded greedily, it isn't much fun, but at least he comes home to me every night (er... morning).

Those are a few tidbits of 'what's going on around here.' If you ask me how I am lately, I'll most likely tell you 'We're plugging along.' Leave it at that. That is far good enough for me right now, and I am thankful for God granting me the ability to continue 'plugging.'

Now... off to find something to occupy my time until I decide to sleep.

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