Monday, January 31, 2005

Mommy Soapbox

I have been thinking about... how hard I have had to fight to clear my head of thoughts about the drudgery of mommyhood. I hear so frequently about how tiring being a mom is... How much it changes and rearranges your life (never mentioned in a positive light)... How smelly diapers are... How you never have sex again... etc. etc. I am sure these are legitimate complaints. Just as, pregnancy has had it's ups and downs I am sure being a Mommy will too. It can be so disheartening as I think of starting this journey to only hear those things, though.

It makes me wonder... Why isn't it more socially acceptable and socially practiced to talk about the blessings of motherhood? When Mom's get honest, I can't think of ONE who would ever trade any of their kids for anything.

When Andy and I were researching family planning methods before we got married, one thing that really hit me was how prevelent the idea that 'children are a burden' is in this society. But... that's not the message I hear in scripture... One of God's first commands to Adam and Eve was to populate the earth! (Hooyah! God said--Go have some hanky-panky, and make some babies, you two!). I don't think God sends burdens to people. I don't think our mindset should be, "Avoid children at all costs, or at least until variables X, Y, Z, and J, L, K are completly in place, or you're in for a world of hurt and little sleep." Children must be amazing gifts!

With all that is happening in my family right now, the one thing I am SURE of is the timing of this baby. I know she is supposed to come NOW (well, you know... when she gets here). Deployments and separations from Andy, aside.... this is the time for this baby to get here. I have taken such peace and strength from that thought. I know this little girl will be a blessing, and I know I can trust that now is her time to come into the world.

As I find myself talking to other friends and acquaintences who are newly pregnant, I don't want to give accounts of gloom and doom. When they tell me they haven't had morning sickness yet, I don't want to say like so many people said to me, "Wait til it gets here. You've got time." I don't want to JUST talk about the aches and pains and difficulties and make them feel as if the nine months will be pure torture. I want to be honest and listen to their gripes, because I got so tired of feeling like I had to be glowing all the time... but, I want to help myself and others keep in mind that ultimately this event is a blessing, as well.

If you've been reading here long, you've seen that I've written my share of my gripes and moans about this pregnancy. Pregnancy IS hard... but guess what--this little girl is growing inside of me... and soon she'll be here!!! (admittedly these last few weeks pregnancy-wise have been fun... I'm so CUTE and round and people actually GET that I'm pregnant when they see me! I don't even mind the waddle so much).

So I think that is my first Mommy soapbox. Please send me back to this post when you hear me complaining about the difficulties of mommyhood (you know... or don't because I might get really mad at you and beat you with a 2X4). I want to make room to be honest about the situation--I KNOW the ups and downs will be there... but I don't want to just gripe at the expense of losing sight of the blessing!

1 comment:

MacGirl said...

I think it's time for another picture!!!