Saturday, November 20, 2004

Time With Rocks, Waves, and Driftwood

Sometimes, I need to remember that the world is bigger than what I see. I need time to get quiet and look at the horizon far away and just be. I need to feel air on my face, and feel something other than concrete or carpet under my feet. I long for a place where I can breathe deeply and throw my hands up in joy, desperation, or both and to feel that I am a part of the humming aliveness of the world around me.

Andy and I spent some time on one of the beaches on base today to fulfill that need. I don't know what it is about taking time to do that, but it soothes the savage beast in me like nothing else will. When I take the time to step outside and remember to be I can accept the idea that I am a very small part of the world, and that I am not in control of the things happening around me.

We spent time walking and sitting, inspecting rocks, and watching birds flap in and out of the water. We took silly pictures near pieces of driftwood, and used the same material to build a makeshift Tripod to do so. I'm glad we took the time to do that. I need to remember to more often. It makes my tomorrows--whatever they may hold--a little easier to face, and helps me to remember goodness.

Mom and Dad, we'll take you there to play when you visit! You need to see the pinks edges of the mountains as the sun starts to set and the birds playing in the surf... We'll frolic, though, I promise!

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