Thursday, November 11, 2004

Evil, Evil Hormones....

Today I felt like I was truly psychotic. Poor Andy didn't know what to do with me. I was tired, felt icky, and every five seconds I was either irritated or bawling. It's hormones wreaking havoc. I am not like this. I don't even recognize this woman! An alien has truly taken over my body. Some days, that is really, honestly, and truly how it feels.

Don't get me wrong. I do love being pregnant. I love feeling this little girl moving around in me and enjoying the possibility that I carry within me.

But some days I can't wait to get through pregnancy and postpartum stuff and get back to being the woman I recognize. On days like this, I suspect Andy feels the same as he doesn't know whether to hug me, keep his distance, yell back, or change the subject.

I'm hoping for a more level day tomorrow.

On the upside, I wore an entire maternity outfit today (Thanks Mom!), and I looked SO CUTE and PREGNANT! Not just fat... Pregant! It was fun. I think I might need to go get more maternity clothes!

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