Sunday, June 05, 2005


This isn't my only Blog... I have a rougher kind of get-it-out type blog that I'd only gone public with anonymously before. It talks more about the deeper issues afoot right now. Feel free to check it out if you wish, or don't.

1 comment:

gingrpchy said...

I wish I could go down into your Hell with you if only so that you would not feel so lonely. I get glimpses, those days of fear and longing when you know you need to be where you are, yet you're terrified something will happen and you will be thousands of miles away. All you want to do is be there to hold that person's hand. I can't REALLY understand though. Everything is so much more compounded for you. I hope you'll forgive the times when my ignorance hurts you, and know that I care, even if I can't always understand. But I want to understand. I especially don't know when I should to push for a deeper answer and when you need your space. Just know you can be real whenever you want to, or not. I can't remember ever asking how things are and wanting/expecting a pat answer. I'm sure you already know, it's ok to be shitty, and it's ok to feel good, even when that seems wrong too.