Saturday, December 25, 2004

So This is Christmas...

Isn't that in a Wings song or something??

Yes, indeed, it is Christmas. More accurately, Christmas is drawing to a close here. We're about to head upstairs where I will don my brand new snuggly nightgown, and this Christmas will go into the stack of memories of Christmases past I keep in my mental attic.

It was a good day. We spent time together. We heard a sermon at church that put into words a lot of what I've been feeling about Christmas this year. We got better acquainted with some folks in our congregation at a church potluck (and ate LOTS of food). And, of course, we made out with some great Christmas loot, too!

You might have guessed that Santa brought us a digital camera. That's right, I will now be able to visually chronicle the happenings of our family along with my verbal ramblings. This should be good news for those of you who will want to see regular photos of the little girl who will be joining us in March.

Andy checks back in to work tomorrow. I'm not ready to give him back. It's been so nice to have him here, and to spend some time with him.

And now we begin to prepare to embark on the journey that will be 2005. I must admit, it looks rather daunting... but I pray that the hope, and yes, perspective that I gained this Christmas season will continue and help to sustain me through that roller coaster. There will be time later to reflect along that vein this week.

For now, I guess all there is left to say is simply, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

1 comment:

Tracie said...

You were close. It's John Lennon.