Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Lots of words for nothing

I don't know what to write today, but I feel like I need to. I tried to write about going to see The Messiah on Saturday. I attempted to narrate my discovery of there actually being 3 parts to the work. I might have told you about my delight in the third part which focused on the victory of Christ and the anticipation of his kindgom in us and on earth. Everything that I wrote about it was so clunky though, so I scrapped it.

I could write about feeling dreary lately, and trying to forge into the holiday spirit... I could have tried to be eloquent about my hoping that just understanding that Christmas is about a light in the darkness and hope in a barren land is enough for now. I've sort of done that already though.

Or I could tell you how nice it is to have Andy home on leave right now. I could write an expository paragraph about how very lovely it is to wake up in his arms, and how blessed I am to have married a man who will listen to me process through the same things over and over again before we go to sleep each night even though he can barely keep his eyes open.

I could prattle on dryly about my internet Christmas shopping being done and my need to go to the grocery store and the post office today. Or tell you that I'm not sure what we'll make for dinner Christmas eve and that I'm excited about going to the Christmas Potluck at church on Christmas Day (of course, I am taking Pink Stuff!). I could also whine greedily about the sad ratio of presents under my tree: 4:3:1--representing Andy, Baby, and Val respectively. That whining part wouldn't be right though because I have an amazing gift inside of me, and my wonderful parents gave us a beautiful glider rocking chair to spend hours rocking baby girl in when she gets here. Nope, it wouldn't be right, so I won't expound on that.

I could write all of that... but it just doesn't quite seem to fit.

(Incidentally... I remember one of my favorite profs. Dr. Stephens marvelling at my ability to take up so much space writing about nothing every week in my journal for him. He's right! I've got quite a knack!)

1 comment:

Hope said...

love your ramblings dear friend.