Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Blog Blocked

I'm feeling blog-blocked at the moment. Usually when that happens I spew off a bunch of randomness. I'm sure tonight will be no different.

My living room is currently one big chaotic pile as Andy is getting ready for pack-out. I've played secretary in my more altruistic moments of the evening, and kept a list of things that he has put in the 'pack pile.'

The days leading up to deployment really aren't any fun. I know I've said that before, but on top of all the sad and confusing emotions that come as you prepare to be apart for months at a time, there is the packing, the incredibly long hours (13 or so today), the snippy little detachment arguments (so far, so good there), and the difficulty sleeping because you can't turn your brain off at night.

At the moment, my husband has these weird long gloves and a funny grey face mask on... With shorts and a T-Shirt. I don't get it. At times like this, it's best not to ask questions.

I think that's a good place to stop, don't you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Having never been in your position, I can't say that I know how you feel exactly, but I do understand the chaos of packing up a loved one for an extended time away (a husband who works away from home several months out of the year, a son who went off to college for the first time last year and goes again next week). Even when they are not in the military, those of us staying behind can't help wondering what this means for us, whether the journeyer will be safe and how we will get along without them.
I hope there are some sources of support for you close by and that you'll keep using the blog as a lifeline if you need it.
Thanks so much for your kind-hearted comment on my blog yesterday.