I took my friend, Gina's (
http://gina8724.blogspot.com/) challenge and this is what I came up with.
1. My name is Val
2. I have one daughter.
3. I’m married (to a wonderful man whom I adore)
4. I’m a Navy wife.
5. I don’t have a permanent address at the moment.
6. I stubbed my toe a couple weeks ago and tore some skin off and it’s just now healing.
7. I have freckles.
8. I have brown hair.
9. I go to church.
10. I try to love people like Christ loved people, and probably fail far too often.
11. I’m named after My Mom’s friend and my Dad’s sister.
12. I named my daughter after my Mom and my husband’s grandmother.
13. I like the beach.
14. I enjoy watching the sun set.
15. I’m scared to swim in the ocean because I’m paranoid about stinging creatures and other sea life
16. I spend way too much time on the internet.
17. I’ve spent a lot of time writing lately.
18. I’m staying at a really cute furnished vacation rental right now.
19. When I was in 3rd Grade, I had braces.
20. I used to have a huge gap between my teeth.
21. I still have a tiny gap between my teeth.
22. I’m a romantic, but I try not to be cheesy.
23. I’m a regular poster at 3 message boards.
24. I’ve met ‘people I knew from the interenet’ several times (like Gina!)
25. I like trees.
26. My favorite verse from the Bible is Jeremiah 17:7-8 (about trees!)
27. I still like to color in coloring books.
28. I love porch swings.
29. I’m going to a picnic today, but I’m not sure that I want to.
30. I love ice cream.
31. I frequently self-medicate with chocolate.
32. I don’t think there’s anything more comforting that Peppermint Tea in a big black mug.
33. I love the T.V. show Judging Amy
34. I read 22 blogs somewhat regularly.
35. I have trouble numbering things like this.
36. I keep several journals.
37. I hope to have a book published some day.
38. I may or may not be working on said book right now.
39. When I was in 3rd Grade I had to sing, "My Country Tis of Thee" every day.
40. My anniversary is June 29th.
41. I’m an INFP accorting to the Kiersey Temperment Sorter
42. Input, Developer, Connectivity, Cognition, and something else that starts with a C are my strengths on the strength finder
43. The primary stone on my engagement ring is a Sapphire
44. I love Italian food
45. I have a freckle on my middle right toe.
46. I met my husband in college.
47. I have a degree in Special Education.
48. I taught at one point for about 6 months.
49. Growing up, I never thought I’d move out of Illinois.
50. I’ve lived in Florida, and Washington and have traveled at least 16,000 cross country miles in the last two years.
51. I’m glad I moved out of Illinois even if it’s not a permanent thing.
52. I have a cat named Chester.
53. Growing up I had a dog named Sadie and I still miss her.
54. When I was little I had an imaginary friend named ‘Conky.’
55. It’s really annoying to me that so many of the items on this list start with the word "I"
56. From now on I’m going to try not to start any more items with "I."
57. I failed.
58. Growing up, I had a playhouse.
59. One of the things I enjoyed most in High School was Scholastic Bowl.
60. Band was also enjoyable to me.
61. Mandy Patinkin is one of my favorite actors.
62. Chicago Hope is still one of my favorite shows.
63. West Wing Seasons 1, 2, and 3 are part of my DVD collection.
64. Moline airport is my favorite airport from which to leave.
65. Daisies were the primary flower in my wedding.
66. My favorite scent is lavender.
67. Irises are my favorite flower.
68. My eyes are green.
69. While I was teaching the Home Ec. Teacher taught me to knit.
70. Currently I’m working on knitting a red blanket.
71. My hair isn’t colored.
72. Grey hairs have already made an appearance in my hair.
73. My parents helped to make me who I am and I think I had two of the most wonderful parents in the entire universe.
74. Questions are superior to Answers in my opinion.
75. Zimbabwe is one of my favorite words.
76. Fingernail sensations intrigue me.
77. My daughter has been exclusively breast-fed up to this point.
78. The house I’m living in at present has a water view.
79. When in Washington, I attend a Methodist church.
80. Last week, I visited Mt. Rushmore.
81. In addition, I toured a really funky sculpture garden.
82. Today, I haven’t had a shower.
83. In fact, I’m still in my p.js at the time of my writing this.
84. One of the things I’m known for is being a picky eater.
85. In the last few years I’ve learned not to be such a picky eater.
86. Vegetable consumption has become a more regular mealtime occurrence for me.
87. Broccoli and Asparagus still smell bad to me.
88. It is a rare occurrence for me to paint my fingernails.
89. One of my favorite things in the world is going barefoot.
90. This reminds me of my happy list which I have been keeping since High School.
91. Surprisingly, I have only one credit card.
92. Green is my favorite color
93. There was a pond near my house when I was a little girl.
94. Currently, I’m reading the book Blue Like Jazz
95. When I was little I didn’t like Winnie the Pooh very much.
96. Now I do.
97. The motto of my husband’s and my life together is, "Life is an Expotition. You’ll need a hat."
98. Yes, I do know that ‘Expotition’ is spelled wrong.
99. Words are something that I love.
100. Now, I’m done.