Sunday, April 03, 2005

A Beach With WAVES!!!!

Oddly enough, this raised-in-Illinois plains girl has come to need the ocean. If I go too long without seeing it, I get antsy and cranky and restless.

So you're going--You live on an Island, you crazy woman... You see the ocean all the time!

Well, really I see an inlet part of Puget Sound all the time and that means that most of the time there are no waves. The water is beautiful, and I love it... But I need the waves. I need the rhythmic in and out breathing of the water crashing against sand or rocks. I need to see the waves curl one upon another infinitely. I have been saying to Andy for a few months now... "Sometime, you need to take me to some waves." We didn't think we could find them here on the Island.

But, we needed to get out of the house yesterday, so we went on an expotition (that's the W. T. Pooh way of spelling it) to Ft. Ebey State Park. We drove around and saw some cool gun batteries, and then drove some more. We turned a corner... And there... was a BEACH with WAVES!!!! Oh I was like a kid at Christmas. I even frolicked--which I haven't done since I lost the weight of the child I was carrying in my womb and all the other stuff that goes with it. It was chilly so we were trying not to get Baby C out too much, but I just HAD to show her the REAL OCEAN!!!

And so we did. The photos commemorating the event are below.

I am SOOO happy we found a real beach with waves. I can't wait to go back! I talk about the tough stuff that goes along with Navy wifeness a lot, but the opportunity to live on the coast... on an Island... lots of different places, is so very wonderful. What a blessing!


Tracie said...

I agree can relate with your need for waves. I cannot wait to go visit my parents next month. They have a new condo in Ocean City, NJ so I plan on spending a LOT of time on the boardwalk watching the waves. It's something you take for gratned when you leave the coasts.

Tracie said...

I meant to say that I agree with you and can relate. I guess I can't type as fast as I think....