Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Chester's Prayer Rug

Have you ever gotten that really scammy mailing with a folded up prayer rug inside of it? You know... the one with Jesus's face on it, and if you look at it, Jesus's eyes start out closed... and if you keep looking they 'slowly open.' Well, we got it yesterday. You're supposed to kneel on the prayer rug and pray, and then put it in a certain place in your Bible or under your bed at night, and send it, your prayer request, and a "seed gift" to receive whatever it is that you wanted to pray for.

Well, Little Chester has a hitch in his get-a-long... and he wants some healing. So these are some pictures of him using the prayer rug... Except... oops! We forgot to send it in today. Hopefully God will still heal Chester of the hitch in his get-a-long.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

That is too cute! Funny. Maybe you should explain to him some theological principles such as Jesus' death and resurection allows us to go directly to God without the help of a priest or prayer rug. :o)