Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hawaii Part V: Ko Olina

One of our favorite spots, and the one where we spent the most time was the beach at Ko Olina. It was a perfect spot for the girls to play in the water because, while we could see and hear the surf not far away, there was a lagoon protecting us from the waves. Carolyn loved splashing in the water, and especially playing in the sand. Abbie wasn't too sure about it all the first day, but when we went back at the end of the week, she lit up when I dipped her in the water.

Incidentally, this was the same spot where we got to go snorkeling. I am a huge wimp about swimming in the ocean, and it took me several tries to acclimate, but we saw some amazing and beautiful fish when I finally got the hang of things. I mean--like Nemo fish! Also a really freaky kind of fish called the 'needle fish.' I did not like him. No not at all..... (And I must say, before I got the hang of things, I was pleased to note that yes all those swimming lessons did pay off because I am, in fact, capable of swimming like mad towards shore when I am panicked).

Ok, back to the photos.... can I just say, that the swimsuits that Grandma K. picked out are just incredibly, incredibly adorable. I couldn't get over them. I can't wait til they can wear them again.


Abbie modeling her bikini. (Her itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny pink Abigail bikini..... ok I get carried away).


Carolyn marching up the beach. As Grandma K. says, "EVERY girl needs to wear beads to the beach!"


Carolyn loved being buried in sand. Of course several baths later we were still finding more. ;)




Carolyn takes on the open water.



Then back to the sand to warm up.



A sea urchin washed in far enough that we could see him in the shallowest part of the lagoon. We (illegally, oops!) scooped him up to get a closer look in our bucket, and then put him back where we found him.



More fun in the sun.

Abbie had a habit of falling asleep on the beach. The first day we went she nursed to sleep and she and I snuggled, she napped, and I watched the waves and enjoyed watching everyone else playing in and near the water. It was the first time in a long time that I was able to just sit and watch the waves, so I loved that as much as playing.

Life IS good.

The girls and I in the water.

And last, but not least, undoubtedly my favorite picture from the whole vacation.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Makes me miss home. Wish it were warm here.