Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Quarter Century

A few years ago I would have said that 25 looked old. No... no... Not OLD. Not, "OH I'm so old...... old." But... adult. I would have shrunken away from the idea like I did my Ipteenth birthday (that's the one after 15 in case you are wondering).

I'm 25 today. It doesn't look old. It looks... Well it looks ok. I told my friend Ang a couple of years ago that I wanted to have a baby by the time I was 25. And... I have a beautiful baby girl now. That feels right. That feels good. I'm glad God planted that desire in my heart, and brought it to fruition.

I feel like I can stand up into 25 today. And what that means to me is, that I can stand up into the fact that I am becoming an adult. I NEVER want to lose the ability to be childlike. But I find that things that looked so "scary" in the 'grown-up' world, I am handling.

This year... This crazy year has aged me. In some ways I feel much older than I am. In others I still feel like a scared little girl.

But mostly today I just feel like me. I feel 25. I feel like I can be me. I feel like I can be here.

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