Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Chair is a Chair... Or Is it?

Today we got out the old kidlet-sized rocking chair that was mine when I was a baby. "Pa-pa" cleaned it up and gave it a little shine, and set it in the living room. When Carolyn and I returned home from shopping, I plopped her down on it, and she promptly settled into it. After a few moments of rocking, she was ready to find out what else she could do.

Within five minutes, she had used it as a walker--pushing it around the room to get to where she wanted to go, she peeked out from the bars on the back like she was in jail and explored the world as it appeared that way, and most notably, she used it as a ladder--pushing it up next to the gliding rocker, standing on the seat, and trying to hoist herself up onto the bigger chair--Grandpa swooped in and stopped that from happening though. (Darn it, Pa-pa!)

As I watched her I was struck with the thought that the world would be very different if we retained that innate creativity. If we walked into a room, and didn't just see chairs and desks and pencils, and computers for their given purpose, but if could see all the potential that they contained.

Babies teach good lessons, don't they?

1 comment:

MacGirl said...

Awww, I bet that was so cute! It's fun to see how kids play and learn and grow.