Saturday, April 25, 2009

This was by far the highlight of the hike... Andy told me that he saw an otter during the month he was here before I came out way back 5 years ago. I've been wanting to see one since and I'd pretty much stopped believing that whas he said was true. So we're wandering along the beach and we see something splashing. At first we thought it was a seal... but it just wasn't quite right. Seals are usually like a little eight-ball in the water eye-balling you. This was spashy and playful and, well... there was a lot of flailing. The closer we got the more clear it became that we were seeing Sea Otters. Not just one, but three of them!!!! And not only did we get to see them, we got to watch them for quite some time. They came out of the water, oblivious to us, to sun themselves... Then they caught onto the fact we were around and headed back to sea. But they stayed close enough to land that we could watch them play for another 25 minutes or so. Oh, it was so cool. It was just so cool!!! They seemed to be as interested in us as we were in them. They just kept looking back at us from various spots. Anyway... By far my favorite wildlife sighting since we've been up here. I LOVE Sea Otters.
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