Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Officially Back

Yes, internet world, we are back.

As an update--the road trip was long and full of mountains. We took a new route to avoid one mountain pass that we were concerned was snowy. So... instead we drove in some very mountainy mountains for four days instead of just 1.5. Not as bad as I thought it would be. I am officially not a flatland driver. Oh, if Mr. Sandborg (isn't that our old Driver's Ed teachers name first-homers?) could see me now.

The house is great. Dad and I unpacked the important things in record time. For an AARP member and the mother of a toddler I think we're pretty darned impressive. We had four days before Andy got home and nearly everything that makes a house housish was moved in before he got here.

And then, Andy got home. He requested a welcome home meal of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup and macaroni and cheese. The boat actually beat his want of steak out of him. Poor guy. He got his wish, and we got Daddy back. Carolyn and he picked up right away. Now Carolyn can't get enough of Daddy. And oh by the way--she says, "Daddy" every single stinkin day. I've still yet to get a "Mama" out of her. Well, maybe once. But it's debatable.

In the meantime, we've been tiptoeing through tulips, getting lost in state parks (that deserves it's very own blog entry with pictures and narration), Andy has been working way too many hours, and Carolyn has been walking and dancing and growing and having fun being a one-year old.

So here we are. Andy is on leave for a few days, and we have big plans... to stay put.

And thus ends the official we're back update.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WElcome back val! I've missed you!