Friday, February 03, 2006

Baby Accomplishments

So I know the world is just yearning to hear what my baby girl is up to these days.

She keeps her Mama very busy.

Typical day:

Wake up. Nurse. Diaper change. Play in the living room with toys Mom gives me. Ditch toys Mom gave me. Crawl to hallway. Pull on springy doorstop to hear flatulent noise. Crawl to cat food. Dip hand in water. Scooped up by Mom. (Dagnabit, Mom!) Crawl back to cat food. Eat cat food. Scooped up by Mom. Fingersweep by Mom. Repeat 5 times.

Plopped into high chair. Apple Wagon wheel appetizer offered. Taste Wagon Wheel. Take Wagon Wheel out of mouth. Try putting Wagon Wheel in all parts of high chair. Drop wagon wheel on floor. Breakfast served. Eat breakfast. Spit portions of breakfast at Mom. Get cleaned up after breakfast. Practice spin moves to avoid face-wiping. Get down from high chair.

Play in living room with toys Mom gave me. Ditch toys. Find Chester. Hug chester. Pull chester's tail. Hug Chester again. Try to sit on Chester. Hug Chester again. Chester runs away. Attempt to catch Chester. Fervant search for kitty under all furniture.

Crawl to Pa-pa's computer. Push power button. Hear, "No-no!" Scooped up and placed in another room. Crawl to pa-pa's computer. Press power button. Scooped up. Repeat 6 times.....

Did you really want to hear the whole day?????

Alright so her current skills: Crawling is artistically mastered. She gets full marks in both the technical and creative portions of the program. Independently standing for several seconds at a time is commonplace--usually holding a toy. Steps have been attempted (the current record is three at a time), but crawling is really just so much more efficient.

Dancing is also an enjoyable passtime. And boy is she good at it.

We hear, "Da-da" "Mom-mom" "KtttyCat!" "Chssssr" and "Pa-pa" fairly regularly.

After weeks of comments from strangers (and non-strangers) in the vein of, "Ohhh, poor thing she must be teething. Look at all that drool!" we finally have 3 teeth. Incidentally they showed up all at once.

I myself am a big fan of Carolyn hugs. They are complete with a sweet little pat on the back.

And only a month left before she turns 1. I would ask where did the time go... but this year at least, I know where it went.

And.... that's my girl.

1 comment:

samurai said...

LOL - brings an "aw" to my mind. :)