Sunday, May 01, 2005

Big Weekend

We've had a big weekend. My dad made it safely here, and he is very, very taken with Carolyn. They hit it off right away, and he has had lots of fun talking with her and playing with her and holding her. Very good stuff.

Today we went to church here because we promised Pastor David we'd be there to give him a hug before we took off to the Midwest. Course... I had to get a picture with him and Baby C. He is such a special person to us.

Then my cousin, Luke, came over to eat lunch and meet Carolyn on the way to an audition. Turns out, Luke is a natural with babies... and also cats. We had fun catching up and hanging out.

We're still busy gearing up for our departure on Tuesday. I'm pretty overwhelmed by that in a lot of ways, but ultimately I know it will be good.... For now, we're just giong to enjoy our last family day together tomorrow, groggy though Andy will be with a midnight to 8 a.m. watch.

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