Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, Snoooow....

(That's right--It's a White Christmas Singalong!)

One thing the island doesn't get often is snow.

But this weekend... That's exactly what we got. It began Sunday morning--and we rushed out to greet it thinking it would be gone before we knew it.

The next morning (with a complimentary six hour power outage somewhere in there) , we were still seeing flakes hit the ground.

Aside from the power-outage, I must say it was pure magic. Being from IL, we do miss our snow and this was the perfect kind--with beautiful fluffy flakes that just kept coming and coming, and a curious, beautiful, wide-eyed toddler to experience it all.

We've had such a good time playing in it. As you can see we managed to find a sled to use, and Carolyn loves to be pulled around the yard by Daddy (sometimes Mommy). I love the picture of her catching snow on her tongue--just look at the magic in her eyes!

So we might not have a white Christmas, but for a few magical days we have our own winter wonderland, and we love it!

(With one minor complaint and that is that people who don't deal with snow often.... don't know what the heck to do with it...... But that's ok. It's still magic as long as I don't need to drive.)


MacGirl said...

I'm so jealous.

Lauren said...

Awesome. We, on the other hand, had a record high temperature today. Still no snow...

Lizard Eater said...

I am MADLY jealous. We live where snow occurs maybe once every 15 years. And I just watched "White Christmas" for the first time ever.

Enjoy it!

TL said...

Brrr - just thinking about snow makes my bones ache! I am so spoiled in LA!

But those pictuers are great and your kid is a cutie :)